things to try when you’re feeling frustrated or angry:
Tear up magazines or scribble on magazines
Scream loudly to music
Dance furiously around the room
Go for a walk, run or for any exercise
Throw balled up socks
Draw, paint or throw paint
Scrunch up pieces of paper
Build something then destroy it
Join advocacy groups with other folks and use your anger for good
Recognise your anger might be valid, acknowledge it.
Ask a friend if you can vent to them
things to try when you’re feeling lonely or sad:
Look at photos of happy moments
Remember funny conversations
Write a list of things you have done lately
Ask someone over for a visit
Call someone
Visit the Care Space
Watch a favourite show or movie\
Eat a favourite or safe food
Watch funny videos or tiktoks
Hug a pet
Draw or paint with your sadness
things to try when you’re feeling scared or anxious:
Wrap yourself in a blanket
Listen to music
Write down a list of reality checks to remind yourself you’re safe
Ground yourself using your senses
Use the TIPP skill
Play solitaire, solve a puzzle or play a game as a distraction